Minsa agrees on preparedness and response plan for monkeypox

It Ministry of Health (Minsa) approved technical documents “Plan for Preparedness and Prevention of Monkeypox”, which will contribute to building the process prevention, control, diagnosis and treatment of this disease. This “Monkey Smallpox Preparedness and Control Plan” was developed with the strategic objective of preventing, monitoring, controlling and mitigating the impact of diseases, damages and conditions affecting the health of the population, emphasizing national priorities.

Similarly, the plan – detailed in Ministerial Decree No. 421-2022- set strategic institutional actions for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, with an emphasis on national health priorities, infection control and surveillance related to health and timely identification, notification and control of outbreaks, epidemics and other important public health events.

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Also, through the molecular diagnosis of monkeypox virus, The National Institutes of Health (INS) will be responsible for confirming suspected cases, It is necessary to pay attention to the differential diagnosis with other febrile-eruptive vesicular disease and/or disease endemic to the area.

National Center for Epidemiology, Disease Prevention and Control, (CDC-Minsa), issued on May 19, Epidemiological warning to public and private health facilities for the purpose of identifying, notifying and investigating appropriate disease cases in the country, in response to cases reported in different countries.


Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958, since then, the disease has been reported in humans in central and western African countries; in addition to Great Britain, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Portugal and America, United States of America and Argentina.

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Stuart Martin

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