Eunice might become a very severe storm

Nature and environment

AMERFORT (ANP) Of the two hurricanes set to hit the Netherlands in the coming days, hurricane Eunice on Friday is potentially much heavier than Dudley on Thursday, according to Depending on the direction of the storm, most of the country can experience very strong winds, with wind strengths of maybe 11 in some places.

The Netherlands is currently still dealing with Hurricane Dudley. Winds INCREASED significantly on Wednesday evening, at a sea breeze strength of 8 and in the north coast region a wind strength of 9 was observed for some time. Wind gusts of up to 110 kilometers occurred in the Wadden area. The northern interior has wind gusts of around 100 kilometers per hour, farther south it is smaller. Thursday there is still a lot of wind, especially in the morning, later in the afternoon the wind will gradually reduce.

EUNICE Eunice first visited Ireland and England. It is not yet clear which parts of the Netherlands will be affected by Eunice. Current weather models do not agree on the exact storm direction and associated wind field size.

According to European weather models, mainly the northern part will be hit by the storm. At night, wind strength of 10 can be in the Wadden region with speeds of up to 120 or 130 kilometers per hour. But according to the American weather model, the entire Dutch coast as well as most of the interior will be affected. In this case, the impact of the storm is much greater and gusts of more than 100 kilometers per hour can also occur inland. Everywhere by the sea there will be a wind strength of 9 or 10, in some places even a wind strength of 11 is possible. warns that spring tides also play a role and could lead to extra high water levels.

Utrecht Landscape asks everyone not to enter the forest during stormy weather in the coming days. Strong gusts of wind can break branches and uproot trees, and the safety of visitors cannot be guaranteed. Even after a storm, it can be dangerous in the forest as there may be fallen branches or fallen trees. We’re trying to create a passable path again as soon as possible after that, but ask for understanding for difficult-to-access paths shortly after the storm.”

Maxwell Quinn

"Incurable alcohol fan. Proud web practitioner. Wannabe gamer. Music buff. Explorer."

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