Eating a green banana a day reduces the risk of cancer

We’re always told, and most likely we’ve heard it since we were kids, that fruit is very healthy and contributes have iron health. In the case of bananafruit which is mainly associated with a healthy diet of athletes, it is possible to obtain a greater proportion of energy and has a high content of potassium which benefits the human body, both to be strong, and to rest and to be able to achieve the energy that fruit usually gives, albeit extra.

And, despite the fact that in Spain we are used to the classic yellow banana from the Canary Islands, there are many different types of bananas, including some that can even give us benefits more than already known. A study conducted jointly in the UK by the universities of Newcastle and Leeds has yielded the interesting conclusion that eating a green banana a day can significantly improve our health, and in hitherto unknown ways.

Of course, because green bananas can help reduce the risk of developing cancer by 60%. The reason is because Green bananas contain starch, a very effective substance to control cholesterol levels, and prevent our bodies from the risk of disease. For this study, a thousand patients with Lynch syndrome were selected, because those who suffer from it have a higher risk of developing cancer.

Each fruit has its own function for the human body

Fruits are considered as a kind of antidote for the human body, because many of them help to support our health conditions, and can even get to prevent disease. The case of green bananas is the case of many similar examples, such as the case of pineapple, which in addition to reducing the risk of contracting cancer, can also help prevent the appearance of malignant tumors, which may be carcinogenic, in the future.

In the case of apples, This is an excellent fruit for memory, because it helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, and also contains a lot of vitamins. Mango, one of the most regarded tropical fruits, is a food rich in vitamin C, as is traditional orange and lemon juice. Grapefruits, characteristic red color in them, control insulin levels and help reduce weight if one needs it.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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