The first case of swine flu in humans was confirmed in the UK

The individual suffered from “mild illness” and “has fully recovered” from the H1N2 subtype of the virus

British health authorities reported this Monday, the 27th The first case of transmission of the swine flu virus to humans was recorded in England. This is about A(H1N2)v, a virus similar to one currently circulating on pig farms in the country and has recently jumped to humans. Currently it has only been detected in one person and emergency protocols have been implemented to stem the possibility of the spread of infection.

“We worked quickly on that tracing close contacts and reduce the potential for spread,” said Meeran Chand, Incident Director at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).

Virus detected on routine tests from a GP flu monitoring program in the north of England. Patients come for consultation respiratory symptoms and slight pain before regaining full health.

A PCR analysis followed by a genome sequencing exercise allowed experts to confirm the first human infection of the UK A(H1N2)v strain.

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confirmed 50 cases of swine flu in human populations worldwide since 2005however none are known to have a genetic link to the virus variant circulating among pigs in the UK, according to UKHSA.

Cases of swine flu in the UK have emerged in a North Yorkshire region, where currently supervision of people who have respiratory problems or symptoms as well as preventive and hygiene measures in livestock farms and slaughterhouses have been improved.

But health authorities have already done so Avoid spreading concern to society and they simply recommend following the usual advice in situations of respiratory discomfort and reducing contact with others to a minimum while symptoms persist. In particular, it is recommended to stay away from elderly people and individuals with fragile health.

He The origin of A(H1N2)v infection has not been identified and investigations regarding this matter continue along their regulatory path. The experts also analyzed the pathological characteristics and evaluated the risks posed by swine flu to individual health and public health.

In addition, official animal control bodies require pig farmers to officially report locally if there is suspected swine flu among their herds. “We know that Some animal diseases can be transmitted to humansThis is why it is so important to maintain high levels of animal health, welfare and biosecurity,” said UK Chief Veterinarian Christine Middlemiss.

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Stuart Martin

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