#65 – Breaking the Brexit deal: Westminster wants to scrap Northern Ireland protocol

Things are going high in Northern Ireland. Westminster wanted to tighten control after Sinn Féin’s victory in the Northern Ireland election. There will be no Northern Ireland cabinet until the Northern Ireland protocol is abolished. This agreement between the European Union and the UK cannot be simply broken, but what happens if Westminster does it anyway?

What else is in the Brexit deal? What can Europe do to stop this? What does all this mean for Northern Ireland? We discussed that and more with Joost AugusteijnAssociate Professor of Irish and English History at Leiden University, Hendrik Vosprofessor of Political Science at the University of Ghent and Jeroen LenaersMEP on behalf of CDA in the EPP group.

Episode sixty-fifth of BNR Europa

Piras and De Vries oversee Brussels, the European Union, Schengen, the eurozone and the outskirts of our continent.

In addition, weekly attention is also paid to the ‘music’ of our continent. And this episode we go to… Poland! By the way, you can download the entire Eurotrash playlist here listen on our Spotify list

Astrid Marshman

"Hipster-friendly creator. Music guru. Proud student. Bacon buff. Avid web lover. Social media specialist. Gamer."

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