International•Dec 21’22 18:05•Edited on Dec 22’22 08:15Author: BNR Web Editors British ambulance workers say they can no longer guarantee patient safety. More than 100,000 UK health workers have been laid off. As a result of this massive strike, ‘the safety
International•Jan 12 23 08:30•Modified on Jan 12 ’23 10:14Author: AP The wave of strikes in Britain continued next month with a major civil service strike. On February 1, around 100,000 British civil servants working in 124 government departments will go
Political•5 Dec’22 19:05Author: Remi’s Chicken According to D66 party chairman Jan Paternotte, the Netherlands should not focus less, but more on labor migration. He said that in his FD last weekend. According to Paternotte, this is necessary to keep the
International•Jan 28 ’23 11:30Author: Cook Remy Nearly half of Britain’s population struggles to pay utility bills and run a household. It reports Bloomberg. Inflation is hitting its highest point in four decades and a British think tank is warning of
British Airways will start operating flights between London and Guyana next month. The route will be served twice a week by Boeing 777-300ER with a capacity of 332 passengers. The plane will stop at St. Lucia is
International•Oct 2 ’22 10:31 a.mAuthor: AP Britain’s Conservative Party will hold its four-day party congress in Birmingham starting Sunday. The party is currently going down in opinion polls and has just got a new leader and prime minister, Liz Truss.
Political•Sept. 29 ’22 20:49Author: Cook Remy Liz Truss has been Prime Minister of the UK for just one month and so far her tenure has been marked by serious turmoil. Because of the massive tax cuts Truss is looking to
International•Oct 31 ’22 11:38Author: John Lucas A week into taking office as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, things around Rishi Sunak and his Conservative Party were eerily quiet. That takes some getting used to, says correspondent Lia van Bekhoven,
International•Nov 4 ’22 12:15Author: AP The British government will not allow new elections to be held in Northern Ireland this year. There, dissatisfaction with the Brexit deal has hindered the formation of a new local government for months. The UK
International•Nov 23 ’22 16:29AuthorS: ANP and BNR Webredactie Scotland will not be allowed to hold an independence referendum without permission from the London government for the time being. This has been determined by the UK Supreme Court after the Scottish