Category: Business

Scotland ahead of possible independence elections

International•22 Oct ’22 12:04•Updated on Oct 8 ’22 9:40Author: Aaron Loupatty The battle for Scottish independence will be reignited in England next week. The royal high court will then consider another attempt by Scotland to hold another referendum on whether

Dstny takes over Team England specialist Qunifi

Dstny, a Belgian cloud communications business solutions provider, acquires Qunifi. The company specializes in Microsoft Teams integration and is based in the UK. Qunifi is known for its Call2Teams platform which focuses on Teams integration for ucaas providers. The company

Bundesbank: more signs of recession in Germany

International•19 Sep ’22 15:30•Updated on Sep 21 ’22 15:28Author: AP The signs of a recession in Germany, Europe’s largest economy, are becoming clearer. The Bundesbank reports this in its monthly report. The shutdown of Russian gas supplies to Germany will