A fatal building fire leaves employees trapped

Hundreds of people walking on the streets of the English city of Reading were stunned when they saw smoke coming out of a building preventing the rescue of an employee.

After being notified of the incident, various Reading police officers arrived to evacuate the area, while fire crews struggled to extinguish the fire as quickly as possible, as gusts of wind or exposed wires could endanger everyone’s safety. .

The video circulated on the platform

The scariest thing was seeing in the corner of the building’s roof a worker whose life was threatened because he was trapped between the fire and smoke that was spreading everywhere.

Residents couldn’t believe something like this was happening before their eyes, as the crane made the decision to do everything possible to safely rescue the people on the roof, by gradually lowering one type of cabin.

This impressive rescue lasted about 55 seconds, although it seemed to last forever.

Social media users praised the extraordinary work of the crane operator, who became a hero of the day by helping someone in a life-or-death situation.

Until now, it is still unknown about the health status of the rescued workers, as well as the cause of the terrible fire.

With information from social networks

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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