Mark Rutte: Unfortunately, the differences between the coalition parties on migration cannot be bridged

European media were quick to report the Dutch government’s fallout on the migration issue. German Newspaper Picture reported that Holland needs and the Italian news agency ANSA notes that one of Europe’s longest-serving prime ministers is due to migration issues overwhelmed. Prime Minister Mark Rutte is leading his fourth government, the news agency explained, and the proposal to limit the number of immigrants was fatal for him because of resistance from ‘D66 liberals and CU Calvinists’.

The Italian analyst was apparently impressed by Christian Unity’s stubbornness and stated that in a crisis of governance in the Netherlands, the Calvinist trenches did not fall, but the government did from Ruth.

The message in the European press was that, according to media reports, the Dutch Prime Minister had died in a battle over immigration. The country is heading for new elections, many German media see. Belgium Latest news noted that after 543 days Rutte’s fourth reign would end and that the 56-year-old Rutte had been prime minister for no less than thirteen years.

Provincial elections in March were also recalled, in which Rutte’s ruling coalition suffered heavy losses.


Astrid Marshman

"Hipster-friendly creator. Music guru. Proud student. Bacon buff. Avid web lover. Social media specialist. Gamer."

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