5 foods you should never reheat… they can be harmful to your health

Written in LIFESTYLE He

Reheating food is a practice practiced by people all over the world as a way to save money, but mainly to make use of food that cannot be eaten immediately, but which can be hazardous to health.

What is reheated is usually a product in small portions of other food waste, which is often not removed so as not to produce waste.

But this practice can lead to poisoning, something that many people experience and results in vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain.

Food. Credit: Pixabay

Food poisoning is usually caused by bacteria that have contaminated food, and according to the BBC, the culprit is a bacterium called Campylobacter.

This bacteria, according to the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA), is present in 65 per cent of chicken sold in the UK and is one of the reasons why it should not be washed.

According to the same OJK, it is recommended to reheat food only once, although more can be done as long as it is done correctly.

5 foods to watch out for when reheating

  1. Cooked meat or food with meat
  2. Products containing milk
  3. fish and shellfish
  4. Rice and pasta
  5. Foods with eggs, nuts or other protein-rich foods.

According to information provided by the BBC, the secret to heating food properly is to flatten it, that is, take it out, stir it and put it back in the microwave so it gets hot everywhere.

Also, before refrigerating food, one should make sure that it is not still hot so that it does not spoil.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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