With the ‘morning dress’ dress code, Máxima can leave her jeans at home

Máxima’s life is filled with written and unwritten rules. In the series ‘How does it sound?’ therefore we delve into etiquette books. Today: dress code ‘morning suit/gown’.

We can depict King Willem-Alexander in a dark blue suit with a light blue tie. But sometimes, when the moment is very special, there is something more expected from him. Then the script contains the dress code ‘morning coat’.

What does that mean? First of all, morning coat. You can recognize the clothes by their color (black, sometimes gray), round panels and single buttons.


Also included: shirt (with invisible closure, double cuffs, and horizontal collar) and vest. Gray striped trousers and a tie completed the look.


Like white tie/black tie, the name dress code does not specify anything women can and cannot do. Luckily, Máxima now knows what it’s like. If the suit/morning dress code appears on the invitation, the queen will wear a dress or skirt that is longer than the knee. The material is beautiful (no denim), no deep necklines and distinguishing marks are allowed. In many cases, hats are also worn. In short: graceful through and through.


In the UK, morning suits often appear on invitations. Above we see Willem-Alexander and Máxima during state visit to England. During the welcoming ceremony in front of the Queen, King Willem-Alexander wore morning clothes. Later that day, during the wreath-laying ceremony and various (political) meetings, he wore ordinary clothes.

Since dress codes usually give women more freedom, Máxima doesn’t have to dress up. Her manteau robe by Claes Iversen suited the tenue de ville’s less formal dress code (more on that later).

Bee baptism and wedding kings were also sometimes expected to wear morning clothes. in Florence, at Carolina & Albert’s wedding, she wore gray.

(c) APD/Nieboer

At the New Year’s reception for Dutch guests, the king wore ‘usual’ clothes that read: tenue de ville. For diplomatic corps receptions, things can be more elegant and the king wears a morning suit.


At funerals, the vest is usually black, the same as the tie.

(c) APD/Nieboer

Other occasions: Budget Day, Royal Ascot and maybe you have something extra?

Astrid Marshman

"Hipster-friendly creator. Music guru. Proud student. Bacon buff. Avid web lover. Social media specialist. Gamer."

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