Post and re-examination of the first running on Friday 8 December at Harich resulted in the invitation of 12 stallions for the second running at Leeuwarden. A stallion has been referred but has not yet received the Star designation. Three stallions also received the Star title but were not allowed to continue.
Inspection yielded 7 Star Horses
A total of 21 stallions were examined during the post-examination. Seven of them were able to take home the Ster title and one Second Watch ticket. The most closely related stallion currently is Sjerp fan ‘e Simmerdyk (Aarnold 471 x Gjalt 426) with a relatedness percentage of 16.84%.
Four stallions passed re-inspection
The re-inspection meant that four stallions qualified for the Second Running. Two stallions received the Ster title but were not allowed to continue to Leeuwarden.
Into Second Viewing and Star stated:
No.31 Sling fan ‘e Simmerdyk Ster (Aarnold 471 x Gjalt 428)
No.48 Pikus Ster (Tiede 501 x Brandus 345)
Rients Fan No.119 Hylpen Ster (Markus 491 x Norbert 444)
No.266 Ster’s Save Demro Cage (Menne 396 x Doaitsen 420)
No.277 Sander B Ster (Auwert 514 x Uldrik 457)
No.313 Pax fan ‘e Rijwei Ster (Yme 507 x Thorben 466)
No.344 Meindert Ludum Ster Fan (Eise 489 x Alke 468)
No.228 Sidon W. Ster (Waander 512 x Tymon 456)
No.264 Rense ùt de Westereen Ster (Auwert 514 x Jerke 434)
No.278 Oebele fan ‘e Lytse Generael Ster (Fonger 478 x Hessel 480)
No.294 Siebren ùt de Westereen Ster (Arent 515 x Hinne 427)
Continue to Second Screening Not yet Star:
No.202 Sije Z (Approx. 511 x Jerke 434)
Just stars not through to Second view:
No.66 Pontus von Inger-Marienlund Ster (Jehannes 484 x Jasper 366)
No.02 Niemo van Hoeve ‘t Raamzicht Ster (Tiede 501 x Doaitsen 420)
No.18 Murk fan ‘e Herdershoeve Ster (Ulbran 502 x Stendert 447)
Click here for Ster’s complete list of stallions and continue to the second view.
“Falls down a lot. General tv buff. Incurable zombie fan. Subtly charming problem solver. Amateur explorer.”