“It’s great to be back in England,” Meghan said

“It’s great to be back in England,” Meghan said in a keynote speech at the One Young World Summit in Manchester, Northern England, which was also attended by Queen Elizabeth’s grandson Harry.

“You are the future, but I want to add that you are also the present. It is you who are driving the positive and necessary change that is needed around the world right now, right now.”

Meghan spoke about her first peak experience in 2014, when she was invited to be a counselor at One Young World.

“I’m glad my husband can join me here this time,” she said, earning cheers from the crowd. “Seeing him again here on British soil with him by my side completes the circle.”

Harry and Meghan retired from royal duties more than two years ago, making their first public appearance in Britain since June, as part of Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

However, they continued to attract huge media attention, not least because of the strained relationship between Harry and his older brother, Prince William, and his father, Prince Charles, heir to the throne.

According to British newspapers, there are no plans for Harry to meet William during his trip, indicating that the siblings have not been able to reconcile their differences. That’s even though Harry and Meghan live in their former home near Windsor Castle, just a stone’s throw from the cottage where William and his family moved into last month, newspapers report.

Harry is also in a legal battle with the British government over his safety, and was given permission in July to contest a ruling to deny him and his family police protection while they are in England, even if he does so alone.

Harry and Meghan have relied on a private security team since moving to California, where they live with their two young children.

Following events in Manchester, the pair will attend events in Germany on Tuesday to mark one year before the Invictus Games for injured veterans in 2023, and an awards ceremony for terminally ill children in London on Thursday.

Winton Jensen

"Falls down a lot. General tv buff. Incurable zombie fan. Subtly charming problem solver. Amateur explorer."

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