every voice matters, more than ever

She is 23 years old, but Felicia has never felt the urge to vote before. Today he wants to talk. Firm. ‘Maybe this is short-sighted, but I voted for PVV. I’m just afraid. What is happening here with these asylum seekers, cannot be allowed any longer.’

If there is a place in the Netherlands where national policy or rather the lack thereof locally, then here at Ter Apel. The village had already experienced enough disruption caused by the relatively small number of safe landing groups and the lack of solidarity in the form of shelter elsewhere.

Earlier this week, a group of concerned businessmen (it’s still unclear who exactly) sent an urgent letter to The Hague. They see parties bickering on TV about border closures and distribution laws. But there is no solution to solve the problem in Ter Apel. The village is an abstraction, far away. ‘We have lost faith in politics.’

That feeling, according to Dennis Klompmakers, would result in a big win for Geert Wilders’ party PVV, who usually score well here. ‘Ter Apel is cold. Politicians listen, but do nothing.’

He himself had just voted in the gym for Pieter Omtzigt (NSC), whom he praised for his knowledge of the document and promise of better governance. But if I get two votes, then the second vote will go to Wilders. I hope he will join the government.’

Spread the law

This also applies to José Joling. He does not want to jump into ‘extreme positions’ like Wilders’ Nexit. That’s why he himself chose VVD. However, he said, for most people in Ter Apel, migration is a priority. ‘And how else can you make a statement? When politicians promise to restore trust but don’t follow through, this becomes very difficult.’

His fellow villager, who did not want to give his name, but wanted to reveal that he voted ‘strategically left’, had great fears. ‘I’m afraid of the right-wing bloc.’

Much-discussed dissolution legislation would provide relief, he said. But the parties that were the biggest here two years ago are openly opposed to this. PVV first. But also VVD Foreign Minister Eric van der Burg. He has promised his village many times that he will be better with the laws he fought for. Also surprising: fellow villager Herma Hemmen made the jump from local CDA to BBB. As an assemblyman he openly supported the dissolution bill, and as a parliamentary candidate he opposed it.

He also believes that the problems occurring in Ter Apel should not be taken lightly. ‘Security in every supermarket is not up to par.’ But at the same time, he recently became angry with a councilor in Zandvoort who stopped a center for asylum seekers there.

‘The other Dutch left Tar Apel alone. That’s why foreboding reigns here. The community feels abandoned and betrayed. And Wilders ran away with it.’

Jurre van den Berg

Harry Cock / de Volkskrant – PVV election poster in Ter Apel.

Astrid Marshman

"Hipster-friendly creator. Music guru. Proud student. Bacon buff. Avid web lover. Social media specialist. Gamer."

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