Dentist explains four common mistakes when brushing teeth – Publimetro Perú

About dental hygiene, we often make mistakes that can affect our oral health. Amazingly, most people throughout their lives follow routines that do not completely correspond to a good tooth brushing.

Therefore, Dr. Praveen Sharma, a UK-based dentist and scientific advisor British Dental Associationwarns about four bad habits.

The topics are based on published expert explanations New York Posturge people to correct mistakes to a good technique when brushing your teeth.

Oral health is very important to prevent various diseasesnot only cavities, but also gingivitis and even digestive disorders.

Four common teeth brushing mistakes

Dr Sharma listed four common teeth brushing mistakes and these are:

1 Mouthwash followed by brushing your teeth

Most people who use mouthwash do so immediately after brushing their teeth and this is a mistake because Sharma says it dilutes the fluoride in the toothpaste. The function of fluoride is to rebuild tooth enamelprevents the growth of bacteria and eliminates the first signs of cavities, but by using mouthwash followed by brushing your teeth, we can eliminate them.

2 Brush immediately after eating

Brushing your teeth immediately after eating is another mistake. Experts recommend waiting 30 or 60 minutes to do this because you need to give your mouth time to clean itself and restore the surface of your teeth. Brushing your teeth immediately increases the risk of tooth erosion and cavities.

3 Do not use dental floss or interdental brushes

An interdental brush or dental floss removes dirt between the teeth. Not using it is a mistake. Small debris can cause cavities.

4 Do not make circular movements

Since childhood, we are told to brush our teeth in circular motions, and that’s true. Not doing so is another mistake. If done in the form of exercise, it can damage tooth enamel.

If you make any of these four mistakes, you have time to fix them. This way, you can maintain a healthy smile and prevent long-term dental problems.

Stuart Martin

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