Current knowledge of general health risks for Chihuahuas

Staying up to date on common, let alone rare, health risks in susceptible dog breeds can be difficult. A recent article from the International Canine Association (IPFD) points to its specific resources on Chihuahua dogs and highlights the specific diseases of each variant.

Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world. Originally from Mexico, became popular at the end of the 19th century. Nowadays, many celebrities own Chihuahuas and increase the visibility and demand for the breed, and this is not always a good thing.

Chihuahuas can live up to 13 years or moreHowever, there are several common factors and conditions that reduces the overall life expectancy of rootsto.

The most common causes of death in insured Swedish Chihuahuas were skin trauma, being hit by a car/train/vehicle, symptoms of heart failure, epilepsy, and neurological symptoms (unspecified).

Regarding skin trauma, Chihuahua They are 5.5 times more at risk than all races and if cardiac or neurological failure occurs, the risk is 3-4 times greater (Agria insurance statistics 2011-2016).

According to Finnish statistics, 6.8% of Chihuahuas died due to accidents at an average age of 5 years 10 months.


There are many health problems in this breed caused by extreme conformation and small size. The most important conditions are dental (periodontitis, tooth loss, malocclusion); neurological (Chiari-type malformations and syringomyelia, hydrocephalus, epilepsy, canine epileptoid cramp syndrome (CECS); immune-mediated brain infections (granulomatous meningoencephalitis (GME), necrotizing meningoencephalitis (ENM) and meningitis (infection of the meninges); and Legg-Perthes disease) ; cranial diseases (abnormal jaw length and width, open crown, cleft palate, cleft lip, protruding eyes, dystocia); eyes (cataracts, PRA, distichiasis and caruncular trichiasis); heart disease (patentductus arteriosus) and mitral valve disease); and hypoglycemia.


The Nordic Kennel Union has developed specific instructions for the breed yoinfluencing the breeding of healthier and healthier pedigree dogs. In the state of Chihuahua, risk areas have been identified, such as the mouth (problems such as an underdeveloped muzzle causing a malformed bite, teeth and jaws, also canine teeth that rise to the gum palate), paralyzed tongue, eyes. (protruding and located in the shallow eye socket, which increases the risk of eye injury), the back (thin and thin) and the exposed crown are disqualifying features.

According to the publication, too Special attention should be paid to the formation of the skull, jaw and general anatomy. Similar instructions in the UK list the following concerns: incorrect teeth, crooked jaw, impacted puppy teeth, misplaced teeth, protruding tongue due to incorrect teeth, missing teeth, incorrect bite, and too short a muzzle.


Like a very small dog, a Chihuahua prone to accidents, often fatal. Race not recommended for families with small children.

Despite their small size, or perhaps because of it, Chihuahuas are no different They have a strong will and a big dog attitude. Therefore, requires proper handling and training.

It is advisable to be careful with merle Chihuahuas (merle means a spotted or brindle coat pattern, this is not a recognized color for the breed), because They may have varying degrees of vision and hearing impairment. Mating two merle dogs This is very risky and should be avoided.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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