CDMX health workers recently transferred to IMSS Bienestar allege lack of payment; Sedesa brought up the banking issue

Workers from CDMX health centers were recently transferred to the new scheme IMSS Welfare They admitted that they had not received the first payment within the promised time.

Although the first round of personnel recruitment already based in decentralized public bodies got underway on September 1, and Regional Health Secretariat It had been promised that the first payment would be made on the 15th, but the people working in the centers have not yet received their salaries.

The transfer of healthcare services from Mexico City to IMSS Bienestar began after the signing of the Agreement agreement between decentralized public bodies and the Government of Mexico City on June 16, before the implementation of the scheme in various states.

When asked about the latest claims from workers, the capital’s Health Secretariat assured that, for the first time, the salaries of 5,121 people transferred to the decentralized public body IMSS Bienestar had been distributed.

However, he confirmed, the organization reported several bank account rejections. “There was a problem with the reception”, the agency said. “IMSS Bienestar – he added – will contact people to correct account number errors or remove receipt locks.”

However, the workers assured it most of those new to IMSS Bienestar have not yet received their first salary. For example, at the community health center in the Iztapalapa jurisdiction, of the 70 people who took part in the scheme, none have received payment, they alleged.

Transfer of health services from Mexico City to IMSS Bienestar draws protests from health workers | Photo: Cuartoscuro

Problems at the Community Health Center after the start of IMSS Bienestar

Since the transfer of the capital’s health services to IMSS Bienestar, doctors and administrative staff have reported various irregularities with the new employees.

Now, workers at health centers—which are the first level of local service— They accused those who entered the basification of not having received the first payment, while those who do not have access never receive the information, as is the case in hospitals.

“In health centers, the transition has not been made, with the understanding that hospitals do give them informative talks about what or how their transition to IMSS will be. and at the health centers, none of the 16 jurisdictions came to give informative lectures,” said a worker at the Iztapalapa health center.

In fact, he and two other people – who chose to remain anonymous because they said they were forced not to complain publicly – said in an interview that there was confusion among authorities, now that the central government is ensuring that this is no longer the case. happen. responsible, but they have to go to IMSS Bienestar.

IMSS Bienestar will concentrate a budget of more than 100 thousand million pesos
IMSS Bienestar will concentrate a budget of more than 100 thousand million pesos | Photo: Canal de Congreso

Another problem, they say, is that those previously employed for pay, and whose conditions should improve, They only accept temporary contracts.

This situation, they say, was repeated in the past 16 capital city health center jurisdictions, and although not all workers dared to talk about this, those who gave interviews assured that they did so on behalf of the 1,500 workers assigned to the Iztapalapa jurisdiction.

Time, contracts and seniority are not met; Some people who had dangerous contracts fraudulently changed them to us; “This is not in accordance with the characteristics they asked for, namely having a precarious contract and being part of the health service,” said one of the affected residents.

“Insabi absorbed us, but by decree, he disappeared. Literally nothing moreThey put you in a wide range of fiscals to complete the Insabi budgetand that’s where we are: belonging to Insabi, no longer part of the health service and in turn losing rights to the base,” he added.

In light of this, they indicate that although they receive a salary, they have not signed a contract or known the general framework of their recruitment. All the information that reached them, they said, was given through rumors. Furthermore, they alleged so It is not yet known what criteria are followed to select those who have passed IMSS Bienestar.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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