Category: Sports

Formula 1 is more often only on paid channels

Formula 1 fans who want to watch their favorite sport live without subscribing to additional pay channels will also have fewer viewing options in the Netherlands in the future. Jarco Kriek January 29, 2018 ANP’s photo For example, Formula 1

Amsterdam will host the Gay Rugby World Cup in 2018

The Bingham Cup is a biennial global rugby tournament, primarily for gay rugby clubs. During the official announcement on Casa400 on Saturday night, gay rugby club Amsterdam Lowlanders was informed that they would host the tournament in 2018. “To qualify,

Oranjeconcours De Bilt on King’s Day

April 4, 2024 at 11:27 Other This year’s Orange Competition starts at 10am! DE BILT Thanks to the involvement of various entrepreneurs and the efforts of a group of volunteers, the organization was once again able to continue the tradition.