Can the King refuse to sign the amnesty agreed upon by PSOE and Junts? What the Constitution says

He agreement between PSOE and Junts has caused thousands of protesters to take to the streets protest against amnesty. Everything shows that Pedro Sanchez will be invested thanks 179 votes in favor what will you get after agreeing to it Sumar, EHBildu, ERC, Junts, BNG, PNV and Canarian Coalition; and the protesters asked the king, Philip VIwho refused to sign Amnesty Law. But, Can Felipe VI refuse to sign?

In accordance with what is stipulated by Spanish constitutionin His Majesty’s hypothetical case those opposing the signing of the amnesty law or other laws passed in Parliament “must abdicate”. This was stated by a doctor of Constitutional Law at the University of Seville, Ana Carmonawho has explained in 2021 that if this situation occurs, Sire cannot “fail to fulfill its constitutional function.”

Besides that, article 59.2 Spanish Constitution consider that Cortes could disqualify the King if he refuses to carry out his duties, in this case His responsibilities will be handed over to the heir to the thronein this case the princess Eleanor of Bourbon. Therefore, King Felipe VI could not refuse to sign the law amnestybut have to stick to it announce and approve it, thereby fulfilling its constitutional function.

Demonstration against amnesty

Since November 2nd, this has been the case so far eight demonstrations against amnesty called in PSOE head office in Ferraz Street. Thousands of protesters have gathered there for several days, calling for slogans against Pedro Sánchez, the Police, the Socialist Partyand fugitive leader of the Junts, Carles Puigdemont.

During the demonstrations that have reached gathered more than 8,000 protesters in one dayphrases like: “Sánchez is naughty”, “Sánchez is a traitor, Sánchez resigns”, “Long live Spanish unity!”, “No amnesty!”, “Puigdemont is Spanish!” one of “They are not fooling us, Catalonia is Spain” among others.

Coronation of Pedro Sánchez

When, PSOE partners believe that the agreement is a “historic opportunity” for the country. From the judicial sector, we are warned about this the risk of “damage to democracy” due to the “judicialization” of politics. It is estimated that Monday will be the day when the Congress president, Francina Armengol, finally announced the date of Sánchez’s coronation. predictable, The debate will take place on November 15 and 16 in the Lower House.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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