A urologist warns of prostate cancer symptoms that should not be ignored

In 2023, 29,002 Spaniards will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. One of the most common tumors in our country and also among the most deadly. Due to this disease, 5,889 men lost their lives in 2020, according to numbers from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM).

If diagnosed early it usually has a good prognosis. The problem is that the tendency is to detect it at a more advanced stage, because when it manifests itself, it does so in a subtle way.

That’s why he is urologist at the Kingston Men’s Health Clinic in England, Petr Holystressed that “men should make sure to monitor their health regularly so as not to miss anything important.”

Not only that. Besides that Reveals the symptoms of prostate cancer that all men should be aware of. The reason is that this disease is so mild that it is often overlooked because it is usually not associated with a tumor.

Prostate cancer symptoms

Changes in urination habits may occur early signs of cancerexplained Suci within Wales Online.

According to specialist doctors, the main symptoms include difficulty starting to urinate, needing to urinate more frequently, especially at night, and a sudden urge to urinate. Another sign may be that your bladder doesn’t feel completely empty.

These tumors can also manifest themselves through ejaculation problems, experiencing erectile dysfunction, or experiencing pelvic or back pain.

If you notice any of these signs, Dr. Bruce Sloane, a Philadelphia urologist, previously recommended surgery. prostate specific antigen (PSA) test, the only sure indicator in the early stages of the disease.

According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, when problems arise in the prostate, usually more PSA is released and larger amounts can be detected in the bloodstream.

Since some men with early-stage prostate cancer don’t show any signs, Holy suggests finding out if you’re more likely to have it. “Black men, men over 50, or men with a family history of prostate cancer are at higher risk.”summarize.

Stuart Martin

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