What impact will Brexit have on companies and entrepreneurs?

On February 1, 2020, Brexit became a fact. Last year was still a transition period, but now, from January 1, 2021, the Brexit rules – as agreed in the deal – come into force. Gradually the impact the separation of the UK from companies and entrepreneurs in our country is becoming increasingly clear.

With a total export value of almost €40 billion, the UK (i.e. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) is among the top 5 most important trading partners of the Netherlands. Therefore, Brexit will have an impact on companies trading with the UK in various areas, both in terms of importing and exporting goods and services.

To help businesses understand the impact of Brexit on them personally, experts from Baker Tilly and MHA MacIntyre Hudson (Baker Tilly’s UK network partner) have hosted a number of Brexit webinars, examining in detail what changes will occur and how to respond to them.

One of the latest webinars looks at what it’s like when Brexit becomes a fact 2 months on:

  • Origin of goods – why is it relevant, what are the constraints, but also how does it work based on examples?
  • Brexit deal – what does it actually mean for trade?
  • Customs – what information and documentation is required to export and import goods?
  • Exporting from and importing to the EU – what are the concerns regarding VAT and customs?
  • E-commerce changes in the EU from 1 July 2021
  • Northern Ireland – what are the latest developments in trade in goods?
  • Future – what strategies can be pursued in the future by establishing an entity in the EU?

In a webinar earlier this year, on January 6, 2021, the most important outcomes of the Brexit deal were discussed:

  • Brexit negotiations results
  • What are the consequences for customs duties and import and export procedures?
  • The importance of the origin of goods
  • State and developments regarding Northern Ireland
  • VAT implications from an EU and UK perspective

For more information about webinars, see location by Baker Tilly.

Maxwell Quinn

"Incurable alcohol fan. Proud web practitioner. Wannabe gamer. Music buff. Explorer."

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