Werner Theunissen Pussycat inventor dies

Songwriter Werner Theunissen of Brunssum has died, reports L1. The Pussycat founder is best known for the song “Mississippi” which became a worldwide hit in 1976. He wrote several songs for the group, but the huge success of “Mississippi” was never matched.

The core of the group is formed by three singer sisters, Toni, Marianne and Betty Kowalczyk. They appeared as Sweet Reaction in the early 1970s. They were discovered by their guitar teacher Werner Theunissen who also wrote most of the group’s hits. Pussycat scored a worldwide hit in 1976 with the song “Mississippi” (a song from 1975). They even reached number one on the British Charts and German Singles List. “My Broken Souvenir” also reached the number one position on the Dutch Top 40. Other notable hits include “Georgie”, “Wet day in september” and “Smile”.

After the success of “Mississippi”, the hits became smaller and in 1985 the group disbanded. Toni made another solo album called “Privilege” and two albums with the band The Run, but both were only moderately successful.

Werner Theunissen died on Monday 18 January 2010 due to heart failure in a restaurant in England. It is not yet known when the funeral will take place. Prior permission must be granted to take the body to the Netherlands.


Winton Jensen

"Falls down a lot. General tv buff. Incurable zombie fan. Subtly charming problem solver. Amateur explorer."

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