Tzum | News: All three top bestseller lists this week are fiction

It is rare for the top 3 of the Bestseller 60 to consist of works of fiction; even rarer is it for such a top 3 to contain only one thriller. However, this is the case in week 34. Hendrik Groen remains in first place with Mr. Putmans saw the light. After 22 weeks, France’s Melissa da Costa is still on the rise. All skies are blue. Therefore, this novel is in 2nd place (+2). Anya Niewierra is in 3rd place Way (+0). The book has even been on the list for 110 weeks.

We see in place 16 I will come back here from Rob van Essen (-3). American Ann Napolitano remains in 17th place with You’re beautiful. Toon Tellegen lost his place A new beginning and is in 21st position. River flows in the air by Elif Shafak is ranked 24th (-2). I am free by Lale Gül is still in 36th position.

New to the list Ash cross by Frenchman Antoine Sénanque. The historical novel begins at position 38. Where the crayfish sing American player Delia Owens has been on the list for 161 weeks and this week is ranked 43rd (-3). The non-fiction Elite oat milk by Jonas Kooyman is in 51st place this week (-1) and Greetings from Benidorm by Hendrik Groen in 52nd place (+6).

Haruki Murakami remains in the Bestseller Top 60 with The city and its tottering walls. This novel is ranked 60 (-1) this week. Béchamel Mucho We have lost Dimitri Verhulst, while last week the summer book was thirty-fifth in sales.

You will find the entire 60 Best Sellers Books Here.

Winton Jensen

"Falls down a lot. General tv buff. Incurable zombie fan. Subtly charming problem solver. Amateur explorer."

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