Top 4: Recent Eurovision Song Contest winners in the Top 40

Winning the Eurovision Song Contest doesn’t mean you automatically score a Top 40 hit. For the last Eurovision winner in the Top 40, we have to go back three years. At that time it was Måns Zelmerlöw who scored with the Heroes. It’s time to list the final four winners who made it onto the List List. Do you remember everything?

1 HERO – Måns Zelmerlöw (#32 of 2015)
Måns Zelmerlöw conquered the hearts of Eurovision fans with the help of visual accompaniment to the action. The animation on the video screen behind him coincides with the movements he makes on stage. This makes it a feast for the eyes and a burst of stimulation. Heroes are also interesting and have a clear message: we are the heroes of our time. In other words: changing the world starts with yourself. He ultimately beat all other artists easily with the song and the song reached number 32 on the Top 40 in 2015.

2 JUST TEARS – Emmelie De Forrest (#14 of 2013)
Even before the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest, it was clear that Danes loved their song. Only Teardrops came outright second on Denmark’s hit list, making Emmelie De Forest an important competitor to our own Anouk. In the end, 281 points turned out to be enough to take the trophy from Sweden to Denmark.

3EUPHORIA – Loreen (#2 of 2012)
As yesterday’s Top 4 showed, Loreen’s Euphoria is the biggest Top 40 hit ever produced by the Eurovision Song Contest. This Swedish singer presents songs with a contemporary sound. Plus, her performance – she danced across the stage like a whirlwind – was simply stunning. Euphoria did not surpass second place in the Top 40, but managed to gain 803 points.

4SATELLITE – Lena (#31 of 2010)
Germany again handled it thoroughly in 2010. With Unser Star für Oslo, a TV talent show, German broadcasters were looking for acts for that year’s Eurovision Song Contest. After the people’s votes were counted, Lena Meyer-Landrut emerged as the winner. Given history, there is no certainty that he will also win the Eurovision Song Contest. The last time a country from the (then still) ‘Big Four’ managed to win the festival was in 1997. Then England became champions thanks to Love Shine A Light by Katrina & The Waves. The song was a huge hit at the time, but unfortunately for Lena, Satellite was not. The song spent 6 weeks in the Top 40 and did not top 31.


Winton Jensen

"Falls down a lot. General tv buff. Incurable zombie fan. Subtly charming problem solver. Amateur explorer."

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