The Farage 2.0 effect: elect Ralf Dekker to Brussels

This shows the potential of the upcoming European elections: tomorrow Dutch society will face a unique election window of opportunity to achieve the same in our own country. And by Ralf Dekker – leader of the Forum for Democracy party – the European Parliament approved it.

This is a real paradox: the desire to enter the European Parliament to take the Netherlands out of the EU. Moreover, the democratic power of the European Parliament is as great as the power of a bird with broken wings. Brussels’ legislative power lies not with its 720 members of parliament, but with the European Commission. Members of the European Parliament cannot introduce bills – they cannot even interrupt or send home the European Commissioner. So, what difference would it make if 31 MPs took seats on behalf of the Netherlands in the mock parliament?

The crux of the problem lies in the difference between power and influence. The European Parliament actually has no power. That is why the fictional “battle for the greats” between Wilders and Timmermans is complete nonsense; such as the promises of parties such as the PVV, JA21 and BVNL to “reform” the EU. But Farage has proven that even one member of the European Parliament can do it influence can get. Before his time, Britain had no idea what was going on in Brussels. He showed it to them. The inevitable consequence was increasing public rejection of the EU, which ultimately forced British domestic politics to hold a referendum to leave the European Union. The rest is history.

Ralf Dekker could also have the same influence in the Netherlands. With the European Parliament as his stage, he can show the Dutch people up close how the EU determines our monetary policy, keeps our borders open and squanders no less than thirty percent of the tax money collected from European countries in the Green Deal. Based on his weekly experience, our party leader will soon be able to reveal the power plays, as well as the crazy compensation that keeps MPs happy. He can tell us exactly how Commission President Von der Leyen made sweet rolls with Zelensky; why a european trade agreement is a one size does not fit anything have problems; and why “ever closer union” is by definition incompatible with sovereign nation-states.

In short: from the lion’s den, Ralf Dekker can convince the Dutch population that “pro Europe” also means “against the EU”.

The European Parliament actually has no power. But Farage has proven that even one member of the European Parliament can do it influence can get.

Of course, the Forum for Democracy will also oppose the introduction of a digital euro, dangerous warmongering and increasing European integration in the European Parliament. And last but not least, we will use our foothold in Brussels to forge alliances with like-minded parties from other countries, who, like us, are fighting for their national sovereignty. But providing information to the Dutch public – so they can work towards a smart Nexit – is still the main goal.

No doubt this will be a long-term mission. Nigel Farage sat in the European Parliament for seventeen years before achieving his goal in 2016. All this time his colleagues laughed at him, when he spoke to them five days after the Brexit referendum – but now they have stopped laughing. With his tenacious advocacy, one man changed the course of his country forever. And he has high hopes for other European countries, as “Britain will not be the last member state to leave the European Union”.

Tomorrow you have the opportunity to make that prediction come true. Choose our Dutch Farage to Brussels. Choose Ralf Dekker. Forum for Democracy, list 4.

Lidewij de Vos is a biochemist and works as a policy officer in the Forum for Democracy faction in the DPR. follow him Here on X.

Astrid Marshman

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