successful trial working 4 days a week

With information from our correspondent in London, Daniel Postico

This is the largest trial of the four-day work week to date. It was organized by the 4 Day Week Global Foundation, which promotes four days of equal pay work around the world, together with researchers from the universities of Boston and Cambridge, in England.

Three thousand employees and 61 companies participated, most with fewer than 25 employees. They can eliminate one working day a week or 8 hours spread over five days. The experiment lasted 6 months and in the end, out of 61 companies, 56 said they would continue with a 32 hour week.

Better quality of life

Employees report a variety of benefits in terms of sleep quality, stress levels, personal life and mental health. At the same time, the company’s earnings are maintained. In other words, it doesn’t affect his productivity. Work sick leave is decreasing and so are resignations.

This is an important step towards implementing a 4-day working day in the UK in several sectors. Advocates say it could help reduce carbon emissions and healthcare costs.

The foundation started a campaign in the United Kingdom to convince the British government and Parliament of the need to promote legislation that would allow workers the right to apply at every company four days a week.

According to a statement by Joe Ryle, co-director of the 4 Days of the Week Campaign. “The economy no longer requires each of us to work five days a week. It was a hundred years ago when the jump to the number of working days was made, and since then the economy has completely changed.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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