Registration is open for fines from the United Kingdom •

Haulier currently faces a large number of fines for not registering the vehicle in the UK. Starting today, they can register these fines with Transport in Nood. These are often offenses committed years ago and for amounts that can be as high as two hundred thousand euros. By registering the fine, Transport in Nood, together with Transport and Logistics Netherlands, wanted to get an idea of ​​how big the problem was.

The fine was sent by the commercial party that collected the fine on behalf of the UK: EPC PLC. This concerns, for example, the lack of registration to drive into environmental areas. Because fines had not been collected for years, some companies were faced with large piles of fines.

“Even if fines for violations are warranted, it is important that procedures are also followed correctly,” said Marina Fliers, international member services adviser at TLN. “If you suddenly receive a pile of fines in your mailbox that can amount to thousands of euros then it makes you think. Therefore, companies do not have the opportunity to adjust their behavior in the event of a relatively minor violation.”

“Along with Transport in Nood, there are question marks about a number of fines and the company appears to have been wrongly fined,” said Fliers. “With the database we are able to speak to various authorities in the UK to see how this very upsetting situation can be resolved.”

Companies can here register a fine. For inquiries, companies can contact Transport in Nood without obligation via or 031850719600.

Astrid Marshman

"Hipster-friendly creator. Music guru. Proud student. Bacon buff. Avid web lover. Social media specialist. Gamer."

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