Reconstruction with Change executed 89 interventions within the framework of the Plan with Punche Peru | News

The Authority for Reconstruction with Change (ARCC) carried out 89 works that will benefit nearly one million 600,000 residents in 7 regions of the country, within the framework of the Plan with Punche Peru, a program launched by the Executive, to promote and reactivate investments in the country.

The interventions covering 15 hospitals and 74 schools were implemented with an investment of S/5.236 million. This work was done with the help of the UK, with an agile and transparent contracting process.

The schools are located in Piura (29), Áncash (24), La Libertad (8), Lambayeque (5), Tumbes (3), Cajamarca (2), Lima (2) and Huancavelica (1), totaling approx. estimated investment of S/ 2,545 million.

This educational institution has high quality standards and state-of-the-art equipment for the benefit of students and teachers, in addition to having a rain drainage system.

15 health institutions located in Áncash (7), Piura (5), Lambayeque (1), La Libertad (1) and Lima (1) were implemented with an investment of S/ 2,691 million.

This first-level infrastructure will have outpatient services, urgent and emergency care, maternity care, inpatient areas, clinical pathology, radiology, ultrasound, pharmacy, and others. In addition, they have anti-seismic and storm drainage structures.

Upon completion, these works are handed over to regional and local governments for commissioning and maintenance respectively for the benefit of more than one and a half million compatriots.

To date, the ARCC has built 24 schools and state-of-the-art health centers in Pósope Alto, in the districts of Pátapo (Lambayeque) and Limón de Porcuya, in the district of Huarmaca, Huancabamba (Piura).

Technical support

Under the Peruvian Joint Plan, the ARCC will convene technical tables to provide support to the new management team of the regional and local governments of the 13 regions where it has jurisdiction.

The aim is to improve implementation and meet the proposed goals, ensuring more efficient management and more benefits to society.


Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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