Reconstruction carried out 129 projects in health, education and storm drainage in 9 regions | News

The Authority for Reconstruction with Changes (ARCC) is implementing 129 projects for health institutions, schools and comprehensive solutions for river and storm drainage supporting more than 4 million Peruvians in nine regions of the country, within the context of the Government-to-Government (G2G) Agreement with the UK.

In June 2020 the agreement was signed and since that date 30 contracts signed by more than 11,187 million sol for the design and development of works in ncash, Cajamarca, Huancavelica, Ica, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Piura and Tumbes, notify the executive director ARCCRobert Lopez Lopez.

In these two years since G2Gseven contracts were signed for the implementation of 15 health works for 2,588 million sol, 9 for the development of 74 interventions in education for 2,072 million and 14 contracts for the implementation of 40 protection projects or comprehensive solutions for 6,526 million solar

G2G works

Lopez Lopez said, through G2G, ARCC has completed a total of 18 interventions, namely health facilities and 17 schools.

The first health facility to be completed was Limon de Porcuya health center, benefiting more than 4,000 low-income residents in Huancabamba Provincein Piura.

“We have inaugurated the first of five puskesmas that we will be presenting in Piura in the coming months. We plan to ship within these months Castilla Medical Center, Chulucanas, El Faique and next year Sullana Support Hospital; Meanwhile at Lambayeque Is he Posope Alto Health Center which we will send in the following weeks,” the official said.

Similarly, ARCC has completed 17 educational institutions located in ncash (10), La Libertad (1), Lambayeque (5) and Tumbes (01). The schools have modern infrastructure, high quality standards, as well as earthquake-resistant, inclusive and resilient characteristics.

Another important component of the agreement is the enabling transfer of knowledge executive officer training. It consists of an intensive program to improve the capabilities of employees in the various tasks they must perform to implement large comprehensive health, education and solutions projects. At the same time, maximize Peruvian benefits from the considerable experience of the Implementation Team of great Britain (UKDT).

Similarly, a “Learning by Change” Virtual Learning Platform has been implemented, where ARCC collaborators can attend training, according to their availability, on different topics. These are: NEC3 contracts, program management, project control, digital tools, technical issues, among others.

More about the Andes:


Posted: 9/1/2022

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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