Les Misérables – the 2023 musical

After years of absence, a Victor Hugo classic Les Miserables it can now be seen again in Dutch theatres. This top production has been given a new look and is now bigger and more attractive than ever. The main roles were reserved for Milan van Waardenburg, Freek Bartels and Vajèn van de Bosch.

Valid for decades Les Miserables around the world as a favorite of many people. This musical has won many Tony Awards, Oscars, Grammys and Musical Awards. Joop van den Ende’s production was also an unprecedented success in our country. In the 1990s, roles were played by Pia Douwes, Henk Poort, Ernst-Daniel Smit, Simone Kleinsma and Paul de Leeuw, among others. In the latest version in 2008 we see René van Kooten, among others, Jamie Loman and Carlo Boszhard on the podium.

Star cast

De Graaf & Cornelissen Entertainment are now bringing mega production producer Cameron Mackintosch back to the Netherlands. No less than 15 trailers are required to transfer the decorations from England! Once again, a star cast has been chosen to bring Hugo’s story to the public. Milan van Waardenburg, René van Kooten, Freek Bartels, Vajèn van den Bosch and Ellen Pieters, among others, made appearances.

Les Misérables – the story

Victor Hugo tells with Les Miserables a poignant tale of freedom, friendship and love. In 19th century France, poverty reigned. After 19 years in a prison camp, freedom seems up for grabs for Jean Valjean, but that doesn’t include his bodyguard, Javert. Valjean tries to start over with a new identity, but he has trouble getting over his past. Meanwhile, Javert does not shy away from trying to catch her again. Can Valjean complete his quest for freedom?

Rain gift

Les Miserables can count on a warm welcome and a large number of visitors in recent months. During the Music Awards presentation, the production was a big winner with no less than six awards. In early July, the cast received the Double Platinum Ticket Award for 250,000 tickets sold.

Maxwell Quinn

"Incurable alcohol fan. Proud web practitioner. Wannabe gamer. Music buff. Explorer."

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