Keir Starmer, the Labor Party leader who wants to “heal” Britain

In April 2020, Keir Starmer became Jeremy Corbyn’s successor in the Labor Party. The figure of Corbyn, the charismatic man who dragged the militants radical leftat odds with the low-key attitude of the human rights lawyer who served as attorney general and led training the government had not undertaken in more than a decade.

This could change next year, when elections will be held in the UK, but there is no significant change attractive and evenBoring, according to his critics, to the leader of the formation, is an obstacle in a race whose outcome is unclear.

It is true that the poll still favors the opposition, but it does not favor the opposition. Analysts agree that this is the result of conservative management that was full of mistakes during and after the pandemic, both during the leadership of Boris Johnson and Liz Truss. Downing Street Short but intense, enough to finally sink the ‘story’.

In this context, for now, Starmer refuses with his head held high. In fact, at his party’s annual congress this Tuesday he promised to change the country and “heal it” after the wounds caused by thirteen years of conservatism. Personally and politically moderate, began his journey as Labor leader by turning to the center after the Corbyn era. An anti-Brexit European, he wants to be closer to the Twenty-Sevens but has not considered a return to the EU, despite the fact that he has long supported a second referendum.

Born into a Labor family, he inherited his name from the party’s founder

Married since 2007 to fellow lawyer Victoria Starmer, an NHS worker, the national health system, with whom he has a son and a daughter who he keeps out of the spotlight, he has several challenges ahead of him, such as resolve internal disputesespecially among Corbyn’s allies and his critics, and responding to complaints of anti-Semitism, an issue that particularly affected him because his wife is Jewish, the religion in which he is raising his children.

After the situation in the formation calmed down, thanks to the important changes that have been made during these years, the challenge of the MP who had been in office since 2015, and who a year earlier had been knighted by “legal and criminal justice services”despite not wanting to be called “Sir”, was to end the domination of ‘Tories’ in government.

The motto he conveyed at his first Labor Party congress was “new leadership”, which is now being tested again at a meeting to be held this week in Liverpool.

Starmer, who is just 61 years old, grew up in a town called Oxted, in Surrey, England. His father worked in a factory and his mother, who was an NHS nurse, battled illness rare and serious throughout his lifea fact that the leader who marked him was aware of, gave him not only the greatest gratitude towards public health, but also helped him build a tough personality.

Born into a Labor family, he was named after Keir Hardie, the party’s founder and first leader, a mark that marked his fate. However, the man whose name he inherited appears to have had more of an idea in the early 1900s about what he wanted than Starmer, who was accused, despite having been in opposition for three years and having proven himself a strong contender. opposed the ‘story’, as it had no political agenda quite clear, with generalist speech and not concerning a specific topic. His last big opportunity before the election will be this congress, specifically the speech he will give on Tuesday. Downing Street seems feasible within its political horizon, but there is still much to be done if it is to end the ‘Tory’ mandate.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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