Irish Hospital to offer contracts to Cuban doctors

Several European institutions have been interested in recent months to open positions for Cuban doctors through contract, amid a crisis with the health workforce in some of those countries, which lack surgeons or specialists to cover critical areas.

A hospital in Northern Ireland, in the United Kingdom, is looking to hire Cuban doctors because they urgently need specialized personnel.

The center mentioned above is named Southwest Acute Hospital (SWAH), in Enniskillen, located in County Fermanagh and where surgery services had to be stopped in December last year due to a shortage of personnel.

By publication of half It is known from the local Fermanagh Herald that the hospital authorities announced the start of negotiations with the Cuban Government for the medical service contract.


As they assured, help may be on its way because “a letter from the Cuban Embassy was delivered last week to the Council’s policy and resources committee, indicating that the country can readily intervene to assist the ongoing crisis.” .

Meanwhile, Marta Castillo, who is in charge of cooperation affairs at the Havana embassy in the United Kingdom, said that a request for medical personnel had been sent to the Cuban Ministry of Public Health.

Meanwhile, Councilor Eamon Keenan said he had “never doubted” that Cuban doctors would take the council’s request seriously. He also noted that Western Trust said it plans to advertise staff internationally, and that it is a “huge opportunity”. He also added that they were going through a dire crisis and any help would be welcome.

“It’s great to see the positive response from government departments when seeking help here in Fermanagh,” he said. “That’s not something we’re used to doing recently,” he added.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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