He wanted to do aesthetic retouching and ended up with a disfigured face: “Ten years in hell”

Giuseppina Baccarella, also known as Jo, is a 45 year old British woman who underwent cosmetic surgery on her cheeks in 2008. However, four years after her surgery she started suffering from complications, and today they continue with multiple infections. left his face destroyed. This time since he presented his first problem to this section, he classified it as “Already ten years in hell”, according to what he told the British media my London.

It all started in 2012, four years after being injected with Bio-Alcamid in his cheek by a “leading surgeon”, in his own words, when health specialists told him his face had advanced complications.

About surgeons, who work for the NHS, a publicly funded service in great BritainJo said: “I trusted my doctor, he told me it was safe, easy to remove, and it wasn’t.”

Jo, who used to be a “cheerful and outgoing person,” began to suffer from depression and anxiety after the filler originally implanted in her cheek began to migrate to various parts of her face, including under her eyes, which could provoke loss of sight.

To solve the problem once and for all and remove fillers from her face, facial reconstruction is indicated. However, Jo explained: ”To get rid of it, it leaves depressions in the face and indentations, lots of scars. It’s fundamentally flawed and no surgeon wants to take responsibility.”

After performing 20 surgeries in her home country, Jo lost her faith in British surgeons, so she now tries her hand at the Italian pros. He even threw a GoFundMe to raise money and try to get him the treatment he needs.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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