Euphoria at number 1 in the official Eurovision Song Contest Top 40

The final of the Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Rotterdam next week. The song festival is being held for the 65th time this year and has produced a total of nearly 100 Top 40 songs. We’ve created a list of the 40 biggest hits.

If you count all the entries from this year, more than 1,600 different songs have been featured in the Eurovision Song Contest since 1956. In the early years of the Top 40, the winners often went on to huge success. Just think Waterloo, Save Your Kisses For Me or Ein Bißchen Frieden. In recent years, the Eurovision Song Contest has rarely been a major success, although there are of course exceptions. Two of the biggest Eurovision hits of all time have come in the last ten years.

In the Eurovision Song Contest Top 40, we look at the success of Eurovision songs in the Dutch Top 40. Many of these songs were also successful at the Eurovision Song Contest itself, but not all of them. For example, you’ll find a song on the list that was last in the playoffs, but was in the Top 40 for 15 weeks.

Of the 40 songs on the list, exactly half won the Eurovision Song Contest. Four songs had to settle for being outside the top 10 and two of them didn’t even qualify for the final. These were all Dutch entries that, despite setbacks in Europe, became quite successful in their own country.

Most Dutch entries for the Eurovision Song Contest reach the Top 40. It is therefore not surprising that the Netherlands is the country with the best representation in the Top 40 of the Eurovision Song Contest with 13 entries. Other countries with more entries on the list are Sweden (4), Luxembourg (3) and Ireland (3).

Below we highlight some of the latest Eurovision Song Contest hits. The full list can be found here.

1. Loreen – Euphoria
For forty years, the record for the biggest Eurovision Song Contest of all time was held by the 1972 winner: Après Toi by Vicky Leandros. In 2012, this record was broken by Sweden’s entry that year. After Loreen won the Eurovision Song Contest in Baku by a large margin with her dance song Euphoria, she was in the top 10 of the Dutch Top 40 for no less than 18 consecutive weeks 10 for the longest time. is in the Top 40! After Euphoria, Loreen also scored another hit with a remix of My Heart Is Refusing Me, the song she participated in in the Swedish preliminary round in 2011.

2. Duncan Laurence – Arcade
We have Duncan Laurence to thank for the fact that the Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Rotterdam next week. Two years ago, the ‘small town kid’ from Hellevoetsluis managed to win with his impressive rendition of Arcade. The former Voice Of Holland candidate has now proven that he is here to stay, as he already has four Top 40 hits under his belt. Moreover, Duncan is currently a hit in America with his victory song. There, Arcade peaked at number 89 on the Billboard Hot 100, which is an incredible achievement for a Eurovision song.

5. Anouk – Bird
The Netherlands is one of the best performing countries at the Eurovision Song Contest in recent years. We are indebted to Anouk. After eight years in which our country consistently finished in the semi-finals, he proved with his outstanding contribution Birds that good quality entries are always appreciated. Even though it comes from the Netherlands. The ‘too good for the Eurovision Song Contest’ qualifier can be thrown into the dustbin forever. Burung took 9th place in Malmö, Sweden, in 2013. His success has made top Dutch artists now dare to represent their country.

19. The Common Linnets – Calm After the Storm
A year after Anouk, our country was represented by Ilse DeLange and Waylon, who together formed the duo The Commons Linnets. Following the presentation of their entry Calm After The Storm at De Wereld Draait Door, the initial reaction was disappointing. The song would be too monotonous for the Eurovision Song Contest. However, the critics were proven wrong. After training in Copenhagen, it quickly became clear that The Common Linnets could be serious candidates for victory. Ilse and Waylon ultimately took second place, behind Rise Like A Phoenix by bearded Austrian singer Conchita Wurst.

23. 3Js – You Never Fought Alone / Never Alone
We end with the Dutch entry in 2011. In the National Song Contest, where 3J presented six songs to the Dutch public, Je Vecht Nooit Alone emerged as the winner. Although their initial intention was to sing the song in Dutch, in the end the gentlemen believed that they would have a better chance if they sang in English. Unfortunately it didn’t work out, as in Düsseldorf the trio finished last in the semifinals. But before that happened, their entry was already quite a hit in the Top 40, with the highest result being ranked 12th.

Eurovision Song Contest Top 40 on Spotify

Eurovision Song Contest Top 40 Hits Files
The greatest hits from the Eurovision Song Contest are included in the Song Contest CD box Top 40 Hits Files. You can Here to order!

Photo: YouTube


Winton Jensen

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