Dutch providers: no roaming charges in the UK | RTL News

KPN, T-Mobile and Vodafone kept their promises from earlier this year that nothing would change for now despite Brexit.

When people use their phones abroad, they are using a foreign provider’s network. They charge the Dutch provider for this, which means customers pay extra for this too. In the EU, these fees are gradually being phased out in accordance with legislation since summer 2017 Providers are no longer allowed to charge for this.

British providers charge more

However, with Brexit, this arrangement no longer applies in the UK. However, earlier this year, both UK and European service providers indicated they had no plans to charge roaming fees any more. That situation only lasted six months because EE’s provider at that time indicated it wanted to charge more. Britons abroad pay the telecoms company 2 pounds a day to use their phones in the EU.

Data limits

EE is officially the only one that actually charges roaming fees anymore. But another provider, O2, tightened the maximum data limits customers can use in the EU. Critics see this as the first step towards roaming charges.

Rebecca Burke

"Coffee trailblazer. Analyst. General music geek. Bacon maven. Devoted organizer. Incurable internet ninja. Entrepreneur."

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