Charles is officially proclaimed king

Charles Philip Arthur George is officially crowned as King Charles III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and a number of British Commonwealth countries.

‘God Save the King’

In the presence of the new Prince of Wales, William, and Empress Camilla, the council accepted the proclamation by chanting ‘God save the King’. A delegation then went to the new king to formally notify him, cameras were frowned upon.

In the palace throne room, Charles then took the oath of allegiance to the Protestant Church and signed the proclamation. He also granted permission for all kinds of formal stamps to be used by cabinet ministers.

The day of the funeral becomes a holiday

Queen Elizabeth’s funeral will be a holiday for all Britons. This was announced during King Charles III’s official confirmation in the Accession Council. The date of the funeral has not been announced, but many British media consider Monday 19 September.

Millions of people around the world were able to follow the ceremony live on television and via live streaming. The council also officially announced the name of the future king.

Charles III

Broadcasters across the kingdom will announce Charles III’s kingdom to the public this weekend. It all started in London on the balcony of St. James, shortly after Charles signed the papers formally proclaiming him king.

Charles had announced on Thursday that as king he would not change his name and would assume the name Charles III. She said after her appointment that she wanted to follow her mother’s example:

The Accession Council is a ceremonial body that meets only at the Palace of St. James in London after the king’s death. The council is made up of 700 members of the Advisory Council, an advisory body to heads of state.

Members of Parliament take the oath

Today members of the British House of Commons also take the oath of allegiance to King Charles. Lawmakers draft messages of condolences to the new king.

The House of Commons met for nearly eleven hours yesterday to honor the late Queen Elizabeth. 182 members of parliament have shared contributions and tributes to the king of England.

Rebecca Burke

"Coffee trailblazer. Analyst. General music geek. Bacon maven. Devoted organizer. Incurable internet ninja. Entrepreneur."

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