By this time, and in many cases, when patients access trials of tests to correct their brain problems, it is usually too late to restore cognitive function. However, this could change in a short time thanks to the work of specialists like this one from Cambridge, who analyzes the genetic, health and lifestyle records of half a million Britons between the ages of 40 and 69, to determine that there are five main signs that may mark the future development of Alzheimer’s in humans: the decreased ability to solve problemsthat reaction time to stimulilack of memory for remember specific number listthat prospective memory lossor what’s the same, not remembering things you should do in the nearest future, and Failed the family figure matching test (don’t set your uncle with your aunt, his brother with his nephew…).
Reduced problem-solving ability, reaction time to stimuli and lack of prospective memory from age 50, are among the list of symptoms
In addition, this study also shows that those who a decade later end up suffering from Alzheimer’s have fall problem in the past.
Undoubtedly, this progress made by the University of Cambridge is an important advance for screening people over 50 years old and initiating active surveillance in the highest risk groups to try to intervene earlier and help reduce the risk of developing severe Alzheimer’s disease.
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If yes man in the UK and a doctor will have to carry out tests on you radiography will probably ask you if you are right pregnant or you think so. The decision stems from an agreement reached within the
London, October 16 (EFE).- The British government has donated one million pounds (1.2 million euros) to the Egyptian Ministry of Health to help Palestinians with health problems evacuated from Gaza, the British Foreign Office reported this Wednesday in a statement.
The president of the republic, Dina Boluarte, stated that the interstate agreement signed with the United Kingdom represents a unique opportunity to improve health services for the benefit of the country’s citizens. “Brothers and sisters, since I took office, we