International•February 5 ’23 11:34Author: Cook Remy According to former British Prime Minister Liz Truss, his death was entirely due to “economic orthodoxy” in the Treasury, other countries, and parts of the ruling Conservative Party. He said it in the Sunday
Everything and everyone is just a woman these days Social We sure got it. It’s not easy anymore either. As soon as the Oompa Loompas lose their gender and the world suddenly wonders what gender they were before they were
International•February 8 ’23 19:16•Edited on Feb 9 ’23 09:00Author: Cook Remy Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky’s visit to Great Britain was primarily meant to thank Britain personally, but also to ask for more arms. So British correspondent Lia van Bekhoven. ‘Britain
February 15, 2023 Parliament will debate the business climate in the Netherlands on February 16. Minister of Economy and Climate Policy Micky Adriaansens will come to the DPR for this. You can follow the debate starting at 15.00 via live
Some of Roald Dahl’s famous stories, such as ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ and ‘Matilda’, are now politically correct. In the rewritten version, the Oompa Loompas are gender neutral and characters are no longer described as “fat” or “ugly”. So
Every week Knack asks questions of famous people in the Dare to Hesitate section. This week: Manu Claeys. Astrid Marshman“Hipster-friendly creator. Music guru. Proud student. Bacon buff. Avid web lover. Social media specialist. Gamer.”
• Today • reading time 2 minutes • 513 view • shop Something special is happening in Great Britain. And if you only follow the Dutch media, you will almost miss it. The working class in Britain say ‘enough is
Some academics who are ‘concerned about awakening activism and canceling culture’ group under the name Hypatia. Sociologist Mark Elchardus (VUB) also joined the collective. “Complaints will be carefully investigated.” According to academics, it is suspension from two UAntwerp employees last
Missed Jinek’s broadcast? Eva Jinek can be seen every day with her talk show Jinek. See who the guests are below Jinek starting Monday January 23. Guests from Jinek on Monday, January 23 Caroline van der Plas appeared out of
Zwolle – Tim de Wit, former NOS correspondent in England, is coming to the Brothers Academy. In his lectures he takes you back to England. The British are known for their humour, the music of The Beatles and The Stones,