Dstny, a Belgian cloud communications business solutions provider, acquires Qunifi. The company specializes in Microsoft Teams integration and is based in the UK. Qunifi is known for its Call2Teams platform which focuses on Teams integration for ucaas providers. The company
International•Jun 12 ’22 14:23Author: BNR Web Editor The UK has not broken any rules by unilaterally changing the bill on the Brexit agreement with the European Union in Northern Ireland. British Minister for Northern Ireland Brandon Lewis assured Sky News
Economy•August 30 ’22 16:00Author: BNR Web Editor Inflation in Germany rose again in August, after falling slightly in July. According to Germany’s Federal Statistical Office, consumer prices in Europe’s largest economy rose 7.9 percent this month compared with a year
Value of exports of Dutch-made goods to the UK in the first quarter 5.7 billion euro. It re-export good at that time 3.2 billion euro. In 2020, the Dutch economy generated approx 56 cents per euro export Dutch-made goods to
International•Mar 23 ’22 17:04Author: BNR Web Editor UK Treasury Secretary Rishi Sunak has presented his spring budget. While inflation in the UK rose to a record high this week, low-income Britons can hardly count on government support. ‘The most striking
June 2, 2022, 09:56 Activity HARALEM British-Bengali writer and human rights journalist Misha Hussain will discuss her debut novel ‘Sakthi’ with Gilles van der Loo at Kennemer Boekhandel (Kleverparkweg 3) on Saturday 11 June starting at 5pm. ‘Sakthi’, which means
International•Sep 18 ’22 11:33•Updated on Sep 19 ’22 09:53Author: AP The European Commission wants to suspend 65 percent of some of the EU’s funding for Hungary. The sanctions are meant to force Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to take strong action
International•Jun 14 ’22 14:39Author: AP The Scottish government wants to hold an independence referendum, whether London allows it or not. Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Tuesday he wanted to force a vote if necessary, “but in a lawful way”.
26 June 2022, 13:14 Other MAIN VILLAGE Are you between 9 and 12 years old, do you like singing, dancing and acting and do you feel like a challenge? Then sign up for the Summer Week Musical from Dé JeugdTheaterSchool
Jiangxi Bank Co., Ltd. has announced that Ms. ZHANG Na will serve as Joint Corporate Secretary of the Bank effective October 20, 2022. Ms. ZHANG Na, 33 years old, joined the Bank in June 2014 and is currently working as