Author: Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

“Spain is the world’s nurse factory”

Every year there are more nurse That leave Spain to work abroad after completing her nursing studies. According to data provided to by General Council of College of Nursing in the first five months of the year more than

What is the longest living dog breed?

did you ever wonder What is the longest living dog breed?? Well, study about Royal Veterinary College in United Kingdom has given the answer. Posted with the title Annual life expectancy and mortality life tables for companion dogs in the

Studies link early reading to mental health

Reader’s sons also perform better on cognitive tests, according to a study released in the United States. Children who start reading at an early age achieve better results on cognitive tests and better mental health as they enter their teens,

Madonna was sent home and is recovering at home

Just one day since the announcement, CNN reported that, through sources close to them, they learned that the interpreter ‘La isla bonita’ had been discharged from the hospital and was returning home. from New York by private ambulance: “He’s out