April 1983: Bowie dances at 1

With Let’s Dance, David Bowie reached number 1 for the second time in the spring of 1983.

In Belgium, Studio Brussels begins broadcasting via FM. Ghandi’s film became a big winner at the Oscars in Hollywood and managed to win eight frames of the film. Luxembourg’s Corrine Hermes wins the Eurovision Song Contest and two F16 fighter jets crash near Hoogeveen.

David Bowie had Under Pressure, a song he performed Queen already a number 1 hit in 1981. Now he went solo with Let’s Dance and later the British singer would score three more number 1 hits. All of his other number 1 hits, except Let’s Dance, were collaborations. Behind Let’s Dance there are two German language hits in the top 3, while the list also includes six newcomers.

You can see the complete Top 40 for April 23, 1983 here.

1 (3) LET’S DANCE – David Bowie
End of ’82 talks Nile Rodgers And David Bowie in New York about trends in the music world. Bowie then invited him to Switzerland to continue the talks. It later turned out that the singer wanted to make a demo with him: β€œAn indication of what we can do together by turning a ‘folk song’ into a danceable song that the whole world will dance to for 35 years,” Rogers said. 2018. Let’s Dance becomes a number 1 hit in the United States and United Kingdom. The song topped the Top 40 for two weeks.

18 (–) BEAT IT- Michael Jackson
β€œI want to write songs; the kind of song I would buy if I were looking for a rock song. That’s how I approached it and I really want the kids to enjoy it,” he said Michael Jackson about Beating it. Quincy Jones had more or less urged Jackson to make heavier songs and what he meant by his comments was songs in the style of My Sherona (from The Knack). Beat It became Michael Jackson’s tenth solo hit and later his second number 1 hit after Jackson previously topped the charts for four weeks with One Day In Your Life.

19 (32) GARDEN PARTY – Mezzoforte
With a population of around 300,000 people, Iceland has actually managed to do quite well in Top 40 history. The island produced seven Top 40 hits Bjork managed to claim five between 1993 and 1996. About Monsters And Humans was Iceland’s final Top 40 hit in 2012 Mezzoforte debuted in 1983. The band formed seven years earlier and released the album Surprise Surprise in 1982. The album contained Garden Party their first and only Top 40 success.

Starting in 1982 Henk Spaan and Harry Vermeegen a satirical program about everything ‘crooked’ in the Netherlands. They took the name of the VARA program from the leaning tower in the city of Pisa, Italy. This program was initially ten minutes long, but can then be watched once every two weeks with a duration of 25 minutes. They also incorporated the program’s approach into their first Top 40 hit Als Ik Maar Niet Meer Op M’n Poef Hoef. Pisa then scored a top 5 hit with Popie Jopie. The duo’s other notable hits are Koud He (1987 as The V-Boys) and Tiet Veur ‘Un Pafke! (1988 as Harko + Pao).

37 (28) SING ME A SONG – Bernadette
Bernadette sang in the children’s choir De Damrakkertjes and in the Fat Eddie Band before he won the Dutch Song Contest aged 24 with Sing Me A Song Of Love. The song performed poorly during the Eurovision Song Contest and took her to seventh place, with Corinne Hermes as the winner for Luxembourg. We heard nothing from Bernadette in the Top 40 after that. His voice can still be heard regularly later; For example, she sang the title song of the cartoon series Candy Candy and she has also appeared in a number of Disney films, including Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Cinderella.

40 (21) LOVE BY YOUR SIDE – Thompson Twins
Not twins because the important factors in the British group were Tom Bailey and Alannah Currie. The two took the group’s name from Tintin detectives Jansen and Janssen, known in English as Thomson and Thompson. With Love On Your Side, the group scored its second Top 40 hit in 1983 after In The Name Of Love. Although Doctor! Doctor!, which entered the list in 1984, was perhaps the group’s best-known hit, Love On Your Side was their most successful. On April 23, 1983, the single became a hit as, with a drop of 19 spots, it was the fastest drop of that week.


Winton Jensen

"Falls down a lot. General tv buff. Incurable zombie fan. Subtly charming problem solver. Amateur explorer."

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