A family wins a 70 million EuroMillions jackpot and receives even better news

It’s hard to imagine that there is better news than winning the millionaire jackpot with lotteryBut there are times when reality is stranger than fiction. That’s what happened to a family in Wales. Stephanie Davies, native of Monmouth won in 2016 prize pool of 61 million pounds with Euromillionsmeaning around 70 million euros instead.

Millionaire jackpot and family fun

Taking advantage of what she perceives as ‘luck’, Stephanie decides to gamble and play EuroMillions on the same day her mother Sonia, 53, told her to. Much better news than being a millionaire. On that day and against all odds, this British family was momentary in the luckiest in all of Englandas detailed Sun.

Hours before playing the lottery, Carmen told her family she was ‘cancer free’. The woman had just passed through the operating room to treat a tumor in the parathyroid gland. After learning that the intervention was working, Stephanie decided to try her luck.

The family, apart from celebrating Carmen’s health condition, celebrate that they have won a millionaire jackpot of 70 million euros, which, given the circumstances, did not hesitate to do so. distribute evenly to continue celebrating his fortune.

In this way, Stephanie gave her mother and younger sister Courtney, 19, a share of the gift is about 14 million euros for each. The same amount went to her boyfriend Steve and her mother, Keith Reynolds, 55, showed a big heart.

Moments after winning the millionaire’s prize, Stephanie told the media that, that day, as she went to bed, she told her boyfriend that “if I scream, we win the prize.” Moments later, the house filled with shouts of joy, “I went downstairs to find Steve and… I couldn’t take my hand off my mouth in shock.” and nothing less to get two big stories on the same day.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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