Lisa Gooddie | United Kingdom | A doctor with a sore throat finds out he has cancer: “I know it’s wrong” | narrative | EC Stories | nnda nrt | WORLD

a woman from he went to the doctor with a sore throat thinking he would be diagnosed with the flu; However, he eventually finds out that he has cancer.

Lisa Goody51 years, growing up with chronic sore throatso suffering from this discomfort from time to time is normal.

VISION: “I lost my 3 children to cancer caused by a hereditary syndrome and now I am also fighting the disease”

Everything changed when, in 2019, he noticed white patches appearing on his tonsils. Upon seeing it, they told him it was a reckoning.

“There were white patches on my tonsils and I had tonsil stones in the past but unfortunately they didn’t refer me then because they thought they were tonsil stones”said goodbye in conversation with the Kennedy News, according to .

A year later, the woman noticed that her voice had lost strength and was seen by a specialist who detected it stage 2 tonsil cancer.

“We had meetings and I couldn’t actually go to some of them one day. I felt very tired and thought: ‘I can’t talk to anyone’”, remember. “This must be the effect of cancer on my vocal cords.

The main indication of this disease is the enlargement of the lymph nodes. “I said, ‘Is it cancer?’ and he said ‘yes,’” the woman said during her visit to the doctor. “So he knew right away.”

“I want to say that I am quite an optimist, although no one wants to hear those words. But I thought I had the problem for so long, it’s not surprising because I knew something was wrong.”Goodie added.

He suffered a “crushing” of his salivary glands

As part of cancer treatment, women undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapywhich causes inflammation of the skin of his neck.

As a result of the medication, he had a “crushing” of his salivary glands, which led to it dry mouth, problems speaking as well as eating.

“One of the really horrible known side effects of this treatment is you don’t have any salivary glands and your mouth is always dry. Having a dry mouth all the time is downright awful. Affects speech, ability to eat, talk. I can’t lick an envelope,” he said.

Her treatment started in February 2021 and by June this year her illness was cured. Since then, he has dedicated himself to raising awareness about oral, tongue and throat health.

“Check your mouth: This is a cancer most people don’t seem to know about, and it takes two minutes to check your mouth, throat, and neck for changes,” she warns. “And if any area hurts or looks different, see your GP and dentist, and if they think it’s okay but you’re still not happy, ask for a referral, don’t be discouraged.”.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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