Bird lovers in the UK have recently faced the spread of an alarming disease that attacked the pigeons and turned them into some kind of zombies. The ‘Daily Mirror’, beyond striking description, details that the main incidence of the disease is in the Jersey area, an island located in the middle of the English Channel, very close to the French coast. This is a a deadly condition for these animals, called PPMV or Newcastle Diseaseand is caused by a highly contagious paramyxovirus, which is transmitted by the respiratory route and contact with faeces or other secretions.
It The infected pigeons suffer from neurological problems, the most notable of which are twisted necks and trembling wings. They lose weight, their stools turn green, they walk in circles, they lose their balance and can barely fly. This virus does not seriously affect humans, although it can cause conjunctivitis in people who are infected interact with sick pigeons.
The JSPCA Animal Shelter in Jersey has seen the number of cases in pigeons rise in recent weeks, and they warn that this paramyxovirus is also This can severely affect poultry. There is no known cure for Newcastle Disease, and infected birds usually die within a few days.; nothing can be done for them, other than veterinary care to alleviate the virulence of their symptoms. In fact, they were sacrificed to avoid further transmission. In addition, the virus is more resistant in the wetter and colder months. The UK government is promoting captive pigeon vaccination.
This isn’t the only recent bird scare in the UK. Several weeks ago, many cases of carcasses of gannets (large seabirds) were reported at various beaches and ports in the country.
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