“Larry”, Downing St cat: avoids crisis, lives with 4 prime ministers and waits for the fifth

This Monday it was confirmed that Rishi Sunak will be the new one British Prime Minister after leaving Liz Truss. But while British heads of state came and went, “Larry the Cat” remained at his post at 10 Downing Street.

15 year old tabby cat obediently appears as “Chief Mouser” (Chief Mouser) at the residence and headquarters of the Prime Minister britainwhere countless political decisions were made that affected the European nation.

In that case, the faithful cat has gone through the effort david cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss’ six-week term. From now on, he will accompany Sunak.

Larry the cat pranked after Liz Truss resigned

The king has asked me to be prime minister because this nonsense has gone on for too long“, wrote Larry in a message via the social network Twitter, which has now gone viral after Truss announced his retirement.

Even days before the Conservative and Unionist Party leaders made that determination, the cat was advancing through a tweet. A video was also released where Truss tried to caress him but as soon as he supported his hand, Larry fled the scene, which some interpreted as “a sign of his downfall.“.

“Larry the Cat” at 10 Downing Street.

UK looking for prime minister: Boris Johnson downgrades his candidacy and Rishi Sunak raises his profile

Anger over Larry the cat in England

In a period of unstable political leadership, Larry’s tenure in office resulted in lots of followers among British citizens. Your presence in Downing Street has made him have brief but important appearances in historical moments, like napping under a limousine donal trumpin 2019.

However, the record is not perfect. Even for cat health reasons must visit the vet in 2016, the presence of rodents in the London administration office during 2011 questioning his ability to work. But he redeemed himself after chasing the fox some time later.

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“Larry” is famous for being a constant presence around Downing Street.
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“It’s over, you’re over”: meme with Larry the cat and Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

His arrival at the prime minister’s house took place in 2011, by Cameron’s hand. British cabinet saved the cat from Battersea Dog & Cat House and formally appointed him to be in charge of “defense and inspection duties” to contemplate orsolution for mice to enter the property.

The History of the British Government with Cats

British history shows that there is evidence of the existence of cats resided in the British government since the reign Henry VIIIwhen Cardinal Thomas Wolsey puts his pet by his side while acting in his judicial capacity as Lord Chancellor.

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Larry the cat.

In official records it is recorded from 3 June 1929 when British officials authorized the head of the office to spend money on the maintenance of “efficient cats”. In April 1932, the weekly allowance was increased and at the beginning of the XXI century the fee for the “buzzer” is £100 per year.

Currently, the cat with the longest known working life is Wilberforce (age 13), who served under four different prime ministers: Edward Heath, Harold Wilson, Jim Callaghan you Margaret Thatcher.


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Stuart Martin

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