Keane returns to a place only they know

Tim Rice, who composed the song, takes you to the English city of Battle. This is where Tom Chaplin, Time Rice-Oxley and Richard Hughes grew up. They attended the same school and founded Keane in 1997.

Licking wounds in Battle

The ambitious group soon realized that in Battle, hidden deep in England, not many people paid attention to their music. The group decided to go big and try it out in London. “Dreaming of being in a successful band seemed very ambitious from Battle. That’s why we went to London and we performed there a lot. Unfortunately, it never came to fruition. Of course it’s very difficult to put yourself in the right position. spotlight and got a record deal. In the end we were disappointed, went back to Battle,” said Rice.


At that moment, the band felt like they had lost. So it must be unpleasant to be able to return to their hometown. Tim Rice is living with his parents again and said their dream seemed about to be lost. However, this place eventually resulted in one of Keane’s biggest hits: “I was sitting at my parents’ piano and I had Heroes by David Bowie in my head. With that song in my head I started playing some chords. I was on it. for hours. kind of trance and finally this song came out.”

Curious about the full story? Check out the snippet below:

Winton Jensen

"Falls down a lot. General tv buff. Incurable zombie fan. Subtly charming problem solver. Amateur explorer."

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