4 tips for maintaining mental health according to psychologists

That mental health more under a magnifying glass than before, In a world where there are more and more due to various factors such as vulnerability, geopolitical uncertainty, climate crisis, or economic recession.

In fact, the MSW 2021 report, the world’s largest and most comprehensive study of wellbeing, reveals that in the US, UK, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia, 30% of respondents are depressed or experiencing mental health difficulties. .

Around the world, the most concerning decline experienced by young people: half (44%) have a problem like this.

False beliefs and bad habits are some of the major barriers that make mental health difficult. This is how he explained it in an interview for CNBC Thema Bryant, current president of the American Psychological Association.

Avoiding thinking about a problem does not solve it

Bryant believed it Avoiding problems is an important obstacle that must be overcome to maintain a healthy mind. The line “if I don’t think about it, it’s gone” doesn’t work. Experts warn that suppression will not work, especially in the long term.

“When we have a challenging life experience and we avoid it, it ends up showing up in other ways, affecting our sleep, or how we raise our children,” she explains. “Avoiding is not the same as treating,” he concluded.

Don’t link success and productivity with emotional well-being

“You must abandon the false dichotomy which consists in believing that to be successful you must abandon yourself”

The second misunderstanding Thema Bryant explained to CNBC it associates being “busy” or “productive” with “healing” or feeling “well” or “full.” Many people believe that depression manifests itself in the same way in all people, prevent them from getting out of bed. However, many people suffer high functioning depression.

In other words, business success or productivity are not necessarily indicators of your emotional integrity or well-being. “You have to think about your own longevity and sustainability. Sometimes we get so obsessed with accumulating more or getting promoted that we don’t pay attention to the future.”

Create your own healthy rhythms and self-care rituals

Specialists recommend create healthy rhythms that do not absorb all vital energy and timeand it allows maintaining health and personal relationships.

“You depend on you and your family depends on you, and when we fall into a hole, it’s not going to work in the long term. It’s important to find small ways to create rituals of care.” This might include listening to a podcast, taking a long morning shower, or a good morning relaxation routine.

Indispensable value of friendship and bonding: prioritize healthy and genuine relationships

This expert points out that good relationships, friendships and healthy connections in the family and at work “help and remind you that you are alive, that you are not a simple robot, an object or just a worker”.

“It can give us encouragement, love and compassion.” Also, for very busy people, he recommends think about the quality of friendship over quantity. “Even if you can’t talk on the phone for hours or see each other often, what’s important is when you do connect, be authentic, transparent, and mutual,” she highlighted in the interview.

“It’s so healing to feel known by someone, accepted and cared for for who you are, without having to act out or conform.” For him, it was a gift and a relief to be with these people with whom one feels a true connection. “It’s a gift to our nervous system when we are with someone we feel at home with,” she concludes.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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