Veterinarians ask to stop buying British bulldogs, what’s the reason?

The English Bulldog, while adorable, also carries great health risks.

dogs English bulldog or English bulldog breedthey are adorable because of their strong and cute appearance at the same time, their soft fur with a matted texture, as well as their charming appearance, among other characteristics that make them unique.

However, they are one of the most sensitive breeds for health reasons. Based on United Kingdom College of Veterinary Medicine (RCV), these dogs look “engaged” by “a high degree of problems related to their body shape”.


For this reason, specialists have called to request “urgent action” to reduce their health problems associated and reflected in their image.

What health problems do British bulldogs face?

It is now clearly known that dogs belonging to the type of pug they have a huge genetic problem because of human cruelty itself. The English Bulldog is no exception.


Program RVC Vet Compass compare the health of a random sample of 2,662 English bulldogs and 22,039 other breedswhere the former are found to be twice as likely to suffer from one or more disorders in one year than other breeds.

to specialists noted: “Popularity English Bulldog has increased rapidly in the UK over the last decade.


They added: “However, his excessively short muzzle characteristicshis lower jaw amazing and stout body shape has been in touch with serious health problems and health, such as respiratory problems, skin and ear diseases, and eye disorders“.

Among the main problems they detected in English bulldogs, the following were detected:


  • Skinfold dermatitis.
  • Cherry eye (eyelid gland prolapse).
  • Lower jaw protruding.
  • Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (serious breathing problems associated with the flat shape of a dog’s face).

What is the origin of the English bulldog?

At first english bulldog breed It was grown in England where they had a great presence in bullfighting, but their appearance was not as we know it today, its head is small, not very strong and its skin is smooth.

It’s about small and strong dogIn fact, in 1835 they would disappear, which is why they were banned from dog fighting. The race is saved.


In the same study from RCV, veterinarians, in addition to pointing out the breed’s problems, also call for stopping buying them, and above all else, to love them for their natural image: “In the future, The English Bulldog is to be recognized and loved for having a longer face, smaller head and less wrinkled skin, which represents a more moderate and healthy conformation.

For his part, the professor, lead author of the study, Dan O’Neill highlighted: “Every dog ​​deserves to be born with the same innate health and smart have the natural ability to breathe easy, blink fully, easily exercise, have healthy, even skin, mate, and give birth.”


He added: “In the case of breed like english bulldogwhere many dogs continue to be shaped to the extreme with little innate health, society has a big role to play in demanding dogs of moderate and healthy conformation. Until then, potential owners should consider this before buying a flat-faced dog.”

This study was funded by kennel club charity trust, which is part bill lambera health, welfare, and breeding services executive, who also made a call in the statement asking the public to raise awareness about bulldogs: Stop thinking too much about aesthetics and focus on your health and well-being.


“A collaborative approach to addressing this issue is critical; we must continue to cooperate with breeders, veterinarians and welfare organizations to reduce and, ultimately, to eliminate the health problems faced by brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds, and to reduce the mass demand for these dogs,” he stressed.

It english bulldog they are a breed that has earned human affection for their “beautiful” and “gentle” appearance, however, the changes they undergo in their genetics over time is something of a concern for this breed, which we should think about.


In conclusion, a good suggestion would be DON’T BUY, ADOPT… regardless of race. And if at any time you decide caring for english bulldogsremember to like it for what it is, give it all the care it needs and deserve, remember that it is a very delicate breed and the health issues are very serious, we can’t do much about the changes they are bringing right now but we can help them have a better quality of life either without demands or selfishness.

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Stuart Martin

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