This world sleep map tells us the countries where people are sleeping more and less | Life

How many hours on average do you sleep in different countries? In Spain, do we sleep a lot or less, compared to other people? Let’s find out.

We’ve all seen the funny, but at the same time tragic pictures Japanese people sleeping on the subway.

They call it”inemuri“, which means “sleeping in public”. This is not a nap, as inemuri require a dignified position, sitting well and with arms crossed, and a state of alertness: they wake up immediately and recover their composure instantly. It is considered a sign that they are work hard, and that’s why no one blames them for falling asleep.

The Japanese are notorious for not getting enough sleep., and as we shall see, the statistics confirm it. In the Asia dream map that takes us through Travelerwe’ll see how hardly any country achieves 7 hours of sleep a day, What is the minimum required by a doctor?

As we can see, the stereotype of Japan right: this is one of the countries where people sleep the least in the world, with just Average 6.18 hours a day. follow closely South Korea, with an average of 6.25 hours.

The experts show that this is due to excessive working hours in both countries, and the culture of going out for a drink after work.

Across Asia too little sleep, under the minimum 7 hours needed to maintain health. Reasons listed here include crowded and noisy cities, as well as a hot and humid tropical climate, which makes it difficult to sleep. Only China’s average exceeds 7 hours.

And what happened in Europe? Here we rest more than Asians, as we can see here european dream map:

All European countries average more than 7 hours of sleep, except Turkey. In Northern Europe, especially in Finland, Netherlands, England and Ireland is where you sleep the most, overcoming 7.30 hours a day.

In the south and east of Europe the average is low, almost 7 hours. In Spain, an average of 7.13 hours a day of sleepslightly more than the Italian, 7.09 hours, but less than the French, who arrived at 7.29.

In United States of America average similar to europewith 7.19 hours of sleep per day. There is much less sleep in the eastern half of the country, especially in Hawaii, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia.

The data show that the average minimum hours of sleep, despite the fact that the statistics include people who are not working, and minors, and is even close to 7 hours a day, shows that people who work sleep less than the recommended hours. And it is dangerous for health, and for decision making.

Stuart Martin

"Internet trailblazer. Troublemaker. Passionate alcohol lover. Beer advocate. Zombie ninja."

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